Sunday 9 September 2012

Rawr. & MSP Staff

I know I haven't been posting much. I've been soaking up the sun :)

Anyway, I come back today, and find a message that was sent a few hours ago. From Rawr. about the whole TSSC. She said she blogged about me. But either way, how long ago was it that I had that argument? A month? Seriously, we dig that up for a bit of credit for a blog site -.- That's low fame.
Plus no one commented XD HaterzMakeMeFamous <3

I know its same, click to enlarge.

Another thing though, in a few months I will quit- I am too old for MSP.

But I don't want my account to be deleted :( I've spent real money, had fun, and got to level 13, so I don't want my account deleted if I don't come on in 4 months.
 I wondered if maybe MSP could keep accounts that are level 10+? I would say also if you've bought VIP, but then yuo get the £1 offer so it wouldn't work.

This would also benefit MSP, because people would stay on longer (not wanting their accounts to be deleted so they would try to get to level 10), and if they stay on longer, VIP would become more interesting to get higher fame ;)

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