Saturday 15 September 2012

Lot o' Stuff!

Ok, a few things to get through :)

First, my last post was talking about my hater accounts.
Well, I messaged them, and both have had no reply. So I asked Tiny Strawberry Shortcake and Rawr. if they had made them.

Rawr. said she wasn't that sad to make them o.O

And TSSC... well...

I just guessed it was her :/ or her friends.

I thought it was her/them because:

1. They usually say my name wring (the accounts were name "Red Diamond Rose" not "Red diamond Rose")

2. Because we had an argument

3. Because they were created about the same time.

So, sorry ?

Next thing...

I will take you through this slowly.

There's a boy I'm friends with. I will not say the name. This is a convo we had yesterday.

Ok, if he reads this, he might understand.

He asked me "Do you have a level 4 account?" I replied "Yes." He said "Do you want the level 4 account?" Now, I thought he was going to give ME a level 4 account. I didn't think he'd think I'd just give HIM one when we've had about 2 convos.

And then today... He asked me for a wishy -.-

And in his status, saying "If you don't buy me a wishy, I'll delete you 11 gone".

Well, he's never given me a wishy, helped me, and not-annoyed me. So, no, I won't be giving him a wishy.

I found it funny how a high-ish level person said "Auto or deleted" then today said "Ohh... I deleted too many people."

                          Like I said people, YOU'LL END UP WITH NO FRIENDS.

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