Saturday 15 September 2012

Lot o' Stuff!

Ok, a few things to get through :)

First, my last post was talking about my hater accounts.
Well, I messaged them, and both have had no reply. So I asked Tiny Strawberry Shortcake and Rawr. if they had made them.

Rawr. said she wasn't that sad to make them o.O

And TSSC... well...

I just guessed it was her :/ or her friends.

I thought it was her/them because:

1. They usually say my name wring (the accounts were name "Red Diamond Rose" not "Red diamond Rose")

2. Because we had an argument

3. Because they were created about the same time.

So, sorry ?

Next thing...

I will take you through this slowly.

There's a boy I'm friends with. I will not say the name. This is a convo we had yesterday.

Ok, if he reads this, he might understand.

He asked me "Do you have a level 4 account?" I replied "Yes." He said "Do you want the level 4 account?" Now, I thought he was going to give ME a level 4 account. I didn't think he'd think I'd just give HIM one when we've had about 2 convos.

And then today... He asked me for a wishy -.-

And in his status, saying "If you don't buy me a wishy, I'll delete you 11 gone".

Well, he's never given me a wishy, helped me, and not-annoyed me. So, no, I won't be giving him a wishy.

I found it funny how a high-ish level person said "Auto or deleted" then today said "Ohh... I deleted too many people."

                          Like I said people, YOU'LL END UP WITH NO FRIENDS.

Tuesday 11 September 2012

Hater Accounts

I have hater accounts <3 P.S I didn't make them btw

I like them because... even though I've never speaken to them... I can talk to them hopefully! Its probably just Tiny Strawberry Shortcake, but ohh well, I have hater accounts! HaterzMakeMeFamous<3

Sunday 9 September 2012

Rawr. & MSP Staff

I know I haven't been posting much. I've been soaking up the sun :)

Anyway, I come back today, and find a message that was sent a few hours ago. From Rawr. about the whole TSSC. She said she blogged about me. But either way, how long ago was it that I had that argument? A month? Seriously, we dig that up for a bit of credit for a blog site -.- That's low fame.
Plus no one commented XD HaterzMakeMeFamous <3

I know its same, click to enlarge.

Another thing though, in a few months I will quit- I am too old for MSP.

But I don't want my account to be deleted :( I've spent real money, had fun, and got to level 13, so I don't want my account deleted if I don't come on in 4 months.
 I wondered if maybe MSP could keep accounts that are level 10+? I would say also if you've bought VIP, but then yuo get the £1 offer so it wouldn't work.

This would also benefit MSP, because people would stay on longer (not wanting their accounts to be deleted so they would try to get to level 10), and if they stay on longer, VIP would become more interesting to get higher fame ;)

Sunday 2 September 2012


Ohh... We go back to school on Wednesday :(

6 weeks have gone so quick.

I don't know what to blog about today...

Apart from maybe the hair "Neon Fringe" has been taken out of the shops. I don't know if can buy it in looks, but still, why take it out of shops? And with the other cloths not in shops, you can't buy them in looks. Why can't we buy them in looks?

Saturday 1 September 2012

Her Friends

Ok, so yes I guess her friends are protective, but swearing? Name calling? Great friends....

And yes, the black lines are to hide the... un needed words.

Atleast I nailed how Tiny Strawberry Shortcake and her friends talk :)

"Whut duh hell R yuh talkin buht?"

And whats wrong with low level people? TSSC is, so what? ("Other small leveled people do them stuff" as rawr. said. )

Giirrrlll )TSSC)

Beg? Giirrrrllll you threat for autos XD

Plus I spelt one thing wrong when I messaged her and she said I was 9. How should I spell then? Like her?

"Excus meh, I duhhnt no chuu, so yuh dont no meh, soh dunt juge mehh." (My impression of her :D I think it was quite accurate.

Tiny Strawberry Reply

So, Tiny Strawberry Shortcake saw my last post :)
Her comment:

Says the girl who wrote the whole thing in capitals :L 
Anyway, so I got a message from one of her friends saying that I'm outta order :D

What I've done wrong? Post something on my blog. What has she done (TSSC)? Say "Auto or Deleted" as if she was a level 18 -.-  So stupid.

Tiny Strawberry Shortcake AKA Silly Girl -.-

Urghh... Little level 10 -.- (Not meaning all level 10's and under)

Tiny Stawberry Shortcake decided to block me. What for? Not giving her an auto or watching her 2 shortmovies -.-

She says ALOT (and I mean ALOT) "Auto or deleted I MEAN IT Deleted:28"  She's a TINY LITTLE level 10. She's NOT worth it. Half the time she's begging "Auto's please! Please watch my movies!"  Level 18+ do that, and as they are that level, more people will do it. But a little, self centered, attension seeking probably 9 year old? NOT worth it. My sisters account is nearly as high as her level.

I've got to level 12 with no threats, no short movies, no hassel. Why should I give her autos and watch her movies? She NEVER watches mine, or give me an auto.

I hope she see's this, thinks about how silly she's being and actually does something NICE.