Friday 31 August 2012

Cancer-Stop Talking About It!

Something else I forgot to mention...

Alot of people are making things about cancer. Yes, its a sad, horrible thing, but I wish people would stop talking about it on MSP.

So, I made this artbook.

I want people to see it. So if you have bad comments, if you love it, more people will see what you think as well as what I think.

Prise Mess Up & BF

LOL I love it when MSP messes up :D

A competition held a few weeks ago with the "Casino Love" theme made a slight mistake, but would cost you an extra $100.

One of the once new, now old, clothing items for girls a mistake. On page 7 (or 6) "Pearly Winner" is prised $400.

Whereas on page 12 (or 11) it is prised $500


Also, about my bf, I haven't even talked to him twice and he's asked if I could give him a wish list gift. I said no, obviously. He hasn't said anything, but he's never online. It says the message was 17 hours ago, and its 5:46 now, so he goes on at midnight :/  I wonder what he'll reply...

Wednesday 29 August 2012

My BF call of duty

I had a few messages this morning, 2 of them about the same thing...

I didn't actually know I was going out with anybody.

I'll let you in on a secret though...
I just randomly ask out boys :)  Most of them decline I think :( But I don't care, I'm not into anyone on MSP, and I don't crush on people in msp.

Anyway, this is the boy (who I have never even said hi to :/ Shows what his standers of gf's are)

So... thats my bf... umm, fit? Sorry, I don't like fall in love with pixels, but I'll have a bf anyway :)

Awkard if he sees this :/

Saturday 25 August 2012



If you look in his speech bubble, you can see, is says "I love my bf..." ???!!!
I wonder what his girlfriend thinks...Poor Messi Nickers. He my have just type the wrong thing, but still.

To the people who will probs say "you've typed his name wrong!" I know his name is hickers, but MESSI NICKERS is more funny :D


So, fluer was on today- One of the panya's. She went offlie pretty quick though :/

I said hello yesterday, and this is how she replied today:

If I'm honest with you, hater comments I kinda like. It keeps me from being bored, I don't get sad about it, I don't hurt the other person, but just prove them wrong.

So if someone said I was ugly, I'd say "My clothes all work together, I like my style, and fashion unique. So don't tell me I'm ugly, unless you want me to comment on your ........." The dots is where I would put something bad about her e.g her fashion sence, movies, or anything they've done wrong.

But "ur a diaria sauce poo" ??? I'm surprised she can spell diaria.

Friday 24 August 2012

SM&Level 13

Yes! Level 13, at last. after 2 years! But, Ishacool get to level 25 in 2 years. Difference? Shortmovies.
Moderator said that there are alot of short movies on American MSP, which there is. On the high scores, almost everyone's name is "shortmovies'" or "shortmovies'''". Moderator said she's glad the English MSP has actual movies on the high scores- wrong! Ishacool has been making them AGAIN. So, now, the proper movies she's made I can't find. I think only Pandypolo makes actual movies.

I don't really like the comp. There's hardly any new clothes. I do like the balloon animation though :)

Wednesday 22 August 2012


UgnaPanya and all the Other Twits...

1. They are FAKE
2. You will NOT die. I read a thing saying "if you don't share/like this you will die at 3 am" 4 days ago.
3. They are pretty stupid :D

So, as some people are getting scared, I decided to amuse myself:

So obviously I DON'T love the panyas. If anything, I think they are funny XD Plus they say they are ugly. We know your ugly panyas! xxx

Don't believe them, believe in unicorns. They're prettier!

Ohh, and the new VIP package!

Can I just say, yes, we do want an un-realistic baby-ish pet, grubby dirty clothes and a tent.

Monday 20 August 2012


Silly level 4 .___.

This. Is. Stupid. She doesn't even know any of you. My friend was round when she was doing this, and started saying she was in a foster hime XD Well, I'm in one, so thats NOTHING. She's just looking for attension her parents aren't bothered to give her.

But don't say "she's ugly" (even if its true) to marigold, coz then your a bit like her, which is BAD. Coz even if your a tiny bit like her, you would prbably almost comit suicide.


Haven't been on 3 days, and I've gone up in fame by about 500 :/

Please help by watching my movies x I want to get to level 13 before I get back to school really (just over a week)

So, watch my movie series. They are not bad- I think. Well, if you watch them, you can tell me; no effence taken.

I'm not too keen on autos though, movies would be fine. And you get $10 each time, even a knew movie idea!

So, help? I know I may have not helped you at all, but are you 24.376 to the next fame? Atleast I'm not like one of my friends who aer saying "300.000 to level 13! please help!" I only started asking when I was 30.000 fame away.

But I did go to the beach for 2 days, then today went in an indoor swimming pool with my friend (it was just me, her little sister amd her mum) Its fun :)

Friday 17 August 2012

Special offer VIP

I went on my other account so she could watch my movies, and it came up with this:

First, its £1.50, where as before it was £1.

Second, I looked at the details:

So, everything seems good, but its missing something... Ohh yeh! diamonds. Where are they? Not there. Even if you get the offer, you don't get the full package. And my friend, who got another month VIP on auto-VIP didn't get any diamonds either. Un-fair much?


Dogluvver blocked me XD The only problem with that is I can't see the chats we've had. But, never mind. I'm sure I can live without her.

As I got locked, I thought "maybe I should be nicer to people :/" but then I realised, what have I done wrong? Said no to someone and... updated my blog... but its not like I say "No I won't do it ugly," or "no your clothes are rubbish." I wish people would... think a little? Not be so demanding? Think they get what they want all the time?

On other things, I think this new "Pixel" competition is pretty cool. But, ofcorse, quite expensive :/

So, I won't be buying any of those...

Wednesday 15 August 2012

Locked-not for long

Urgg... I've been locked for 20 hours.

I would log in and post it, but I don't like logging in when I'm locked. I get scared if I would get locked forever. I don't want to be locked for ever. I've worked so hard, which I'm sure most people do. The people who get locked are usually rude- very very rude.

I'm guessing its from dogluvver or what ever her name is. Sorry, I can't delete things on my blog-literaly.  It could delete everything since I started this blog, I'm bound to click the wrong button. Anyway, see you 2:00pm? Ah, tommorrow anyway.

More Dog Luvver :D

So, she didn't like what I [put on my blog about her XD So, she replied with these :)

I found it more funny then anything else. And if you are going to insult me, don't expect me to do you any favours after.

What's Wrong With Goths?

Ok, so I asked if someone wanted to trade, but I replied "Sorry, I don't like anything in your wardrobe." I said that, coz, well, its true. And look how she replied -.-

What is wrong with goths/emo/girly/ boyish/ anyone! Its their choice, and you shouldn't be mean to people like that just because they don't want to do what they want.

I also made this artbook:

I don't like shortmovies at all. ^ Look and love? x

Wednesday 8 August 2012

New Games

Ok, so, MOST of the games are quite kidish. But there is one game I really like :D

Its the NeoPods game. Lots of people say "I can't get past level 7!" and "level 9 is really hard!"

Well, what about level 24- the last level.

I can't get past level 24 though :(

There was one comment that I found funny though

There isn't even a level 32 O.o?

I wish you had to be level 3 + To comment on games, otherwise you have to put up with all the level 2 and people. (They don't really get MSP.)

New Arcade Games

Now there are new games on MSP

I think MSP is getting younger and younger. There's the new moderator thing too.
To me, most of the games are way easy, and don't work too :(

If you want to see the games, go onto "Games" then "Arcade".

And please see my series "A Run Away Lass". I work hard and spent lots of money on the movies.

Do you like the new games?

Tuesday 7 August 2012

Emo and Goth Graphics from FunWhenBored.Com! Emo and Goth Graphics from FunWhenBored.Com!            funny but true xx Very true xx      sleepy head x out xx 

Sunday 5 August 2012

can we all just have a minuet silence to think about all those people out there who are less fortunate then others. Who may be bullied by people from school or even there family, or the people who dont no what path to pick. Since all i see lately in msp is people getting hurt, r getting angry alot and i feel like we need to care for them more since all thoughts people who have purfect life's, i feel forget about those people who dont. Thank you.

sleepy head x  out xx 

Goth&Emo Cartoon Pics

Its Red diamond Rose back again :D

I decided to share this blog with sleepy head x (my close friend) so that emo's and goth's can enjoy it too. Here's some pics sleepy head x sent me. (They are emo) And then goth.

         Heyyy its sleepy head x one of reds friends from msp. She has asked me to do something on her blog. We both thought it would be nice to get emos or goths to look on it. And since i am emo i thought i could give it ago.  If you know a emo, or goth then mayby tell them about the blog.  Me and red will also try to get goths and emos attention and make his a blog EVERYONE will like xx  so sit back, relax and enjoy the blog xx THANK YOU XXX  

Saturday 4 August 2012

Bogger short moves2012

You wouldn't believe a little level 3.

Short moves2012 is saying if you don't give him autos he will delete you, 300 or something people deleted. Can a tiny level 3 even have over 300 friends? I HATE it when people do that. They'll just end up with NO friends. So, this is what I sent him :D :

He hasn't replied back yet, but, you know, stuff him.

I find people like this so stupid and childish. Why should I help him? All he does is whine! And look like a bogger while he's at it.

Pardon my French, but he's a twity sucker :)


I made a movie for the comp, even though it has nothing to do about cowboys and zombies :/

But it must be pretty good, since its almost 5 stars :)

Well, all my movies must be good:

But something happened yesterday with a boy called avanjogia. He said he had loads of haterz. Well, who cares about your haterz?! I have haterz, so what? He was "crying while his 8 year old brother, Nick, was on his account. When Nick was commenting and things, he sounded WHY more mature than the 10 year old Christian (avanjogia).
1. Its a game
2. Don't attenion seek because of haterz
3. If you make a big deal, you'll get more haterz.

Whats crying gonna do? Make everyone like you? No! "Ohh no, I have 10 haters, now I only have 50 lovers!". He's always updating his status. I hate it when people have a convo with someone else with status's. Its SO annoying. Once, 2 of my friends were doing it on MSP, so I could see their convosation! Avanjogia is always stressing over sissy things.

If he's reading this, please stop, think, I'm 10, not 5!

Friday 3 August 2012


Ok, so MESSI NICKERS- I mean HICKERS sozz ( XD)- has blocked me coz of that joke. Nevermind, he needs to be a man and man up!
Still, I have him as one of my friends :) On another account.
Ha ha ha... & Mwa ha ha...