Saturday 30 June 2012

"Please" No Manners

So, Kylie890 wants to quit. Well, as you can see, she hasn't yet. I hate how people biuld up the "I'm Quitting!" and stuff, then don't. So my advice is, quit while you are at it for MSP.
Ohh, and have you noticed you aren't allowed to say "please"? White ghost1 made a forum, but what you must understand is that you have to say it in a chat e.g if you are talking to one of your friends, and in you speech bubble. I can't believe some of the people calling white ghost1 an attension seeker. I saw she posted twice you have to say it in chat, and still you were not able to read it.
I wonder why its bleeped into "Plea***". I mean, its manners, right?

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