Thursday 14 June 2012

Deleting people just for not watching there movies!

I hate when moviestar's do this. If you can't read it, lulu blue is saying "Watch 239 and 240 today or I'll delete you. 20 friends gone"
1. It says until the end of the day, so 20 people have been ripped off.
2. Short movies are an easy way to get extra fame points; basicly the easy way out.
3. Why would delete someone for not watching your movies? This is a threat, so can be reported. I mean not like a BIG report, but more of an annoyed report :/

There are lots of other people who say this. Some of my "friends" who are a lower level than me say it. So I just say to them "Sorry, you don't watch my movies, I won't watch yours. You are only a level ......., so stop acting like a level 18+" Might me harsh, but true. I'm starting to hate people taking the easy way and not really working for it.

Thanx for look at my blog <3

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