Saturday 30 June 2012

"Please" No Manners

So, Kylie890 wants to quit. Well, as you can see, she hasn't yet. I hate how people biuld up the "I'm Quitting!" and stuff, then don't. So my advice is, quit while you are at it for MSP.
Ohh, and have you noticed you aren't allowed to say "please"? White ghost1 made a forum, but what you must understand is that you have to say it in a chat e.g if you are talking to one of your friends, and in you speech bubble. I can't believe some of the people calling white ghost1 an attension seeker. I saw she posted twice you have to say it in chat, and still you were not able to read it.
I wonder why its bleeped into "Plea***". I mean, its manners, right?

Thursday 28 June 2012

Now Level 6

Disco is now level 6! Yay! Level 7 tommorrow :/

Almost Level 6

Me and my Disco dog! As you can see, 1 point till he is level 6! Today I have gotten him 5,000 points! He is working his way up the leader board (as I can't myself)!

The New Commpetition

I just went to the zoo with teh school! So much fun :) Got an elephant teddy <3

So, there's a new competition. Lots of new clothes, but not so nice I would say sadly. You could do so much more with the clothes with candy. Like a top with really bright neon lights, and a neon cat top. And there's not many animations. But I like this one:
I haven't bought it, but I think its still pretty cool.

Wednesday 27 June 2012

Level 5!

As I don't seem to be moving up the levels, I am making my first pet Disco move on up! He is now level 5 (yay!) and I am aiming for level 7. Wish me luck guys! And come to my room to love my pets! They are level 2 (apart from Disco) so you would get $3 for each one. Ohh, and love my room while you at it!

DiaVanille- 1 fo Many

I hate that people don't just cheat with short movies, but they brib them too.As you can see, DiaVanille, one moviestar of many, is bribing people to watch her shortmovies. And she's level 22. I wonder how she got to that level! -.-

But, I guess DiaVanille is young... You can tell by her speech bubble.
DiaVanille, if you are reading this... 460-456= 4, not 5 :)

Sunday 24 June 2012

My Life Story

Ok, so I haven't posted in a while. That's because apparantly the blogs make viruses. And also for some reason when I go on it doesn't come up with "New Post" So it's quite hard to post stuff.
Anyway, please send me messages lol. And watch white ghost1's movies too-they are about 1-2 mins too and good.

Ohh, and it seems as though only just now people are realsing I'm in an orphanige! I have been for a while. I have been there for a while, with my 3 year old little sister, 4 year old twins and older sister that's 14. When my Mum "left" we got to keep our things, so I have my laptop, and I save up my money to buy VIP if any of you are wondering. So, yeh. My life story!

Thursday 21 June 2012

Ok, so I'm Back!

Yay! I'm back! I can go on my accounts and see everything I missed, which I don't think is alot actually :/ Anyway, I love messages, so if you want to message me... great! And I was blocked for posting the real pics, so no more unknown! But if you want to ask a question about her... go ahead! I will reply, as long as its not a stupid question, or you'll get a stupid/random answer.

I don't know about your veiws, I don't like short movies, I like good old real movies! And I don't watch movies just for $10 each time if you rate 3 stars+

So please mail me, and I'm glad to see you all back!

I know its blurry, but alwell!

Wednesday 20 June 2012


Ok, so yes, I have been blocked. But tommorrow I will be able to come back on. I was blocked for posting pics of "Unknown" cozher pic was real, even though I didn't say her real name. I think the MSP staff shoulod say why we are blocked, instead of showing me their website that made me think it's coz I was using MSP in my blog.
Anyway, PLEASE watch my movies. I ask this because my pets are SICK and cost ALOT. I have got some gifts that I am looking forward to though from my friends, but what I want is my pets to LIVE.
Thank you if you do, I don't have short movies, but they go on for about 1-2 minutes.
Thanx if you watch them!

Sunday 17 June 2012


This is my furball Minty at her second stage. I love the bows and freckles, so cute! I also have 3 other furballs, Louis Buttons, Peanut and Liona. I love furballs. I got quite a few coz Unknown said I suited them somehow :/ Anyway, I love them, I hope you do too!

Saturday 16 June 2012

My Pets (All of Them)

People say I have lots of pets. Well, I actually have more pets than this, but I can't feed them; too much money. When I got VIP, I bought LOADS of pets. But I feed them 2 points each day, and they grew up. But I like them as babies. So, I'm trying not to buy more pets. I know I bought 2 pets the other day, but I was only supposed to buy 1. But the 1 I bought was almost the exact same as one of my other pets, so I got another one.
Anyway, thats why.
Ohh, and 2 of my pets are now level 2! (Gold and Sapphire.)

Friday 15 June 2012

White ghost1's trade

This is white ghost1's trade artbook which I made her make since she doesn't even like half of this stuff. Anyway, if your a goth/emo, you will probably like this, as most of the stuff is black&white.
Sorry if I don't post alot, its coz there's nothing interesting going on.
I'll try and keep updated, and thanx for look.
Red diamond Rose

Thursday 14 June 2012

Marty's Circus Song

This is Marty from Madagascar. This is an awsome song by him on YouTube. Everyone MUST see it! We were watching it in ICT :)

^^^ Link. Click, drag, and paste it in the top bar at the very top of the screen. Or just click it I think! Thanx

Deleting people just for not watching there movies!

I hate when moviestar's do this. If you can't read it, lulu blue is saying "Watch 239 and 240 today or I'll delete you. 20 friends gone"
1. It says until the end of the day, so 20 people have been ripped off.
2. Short movies are an easy way to get extra fame points; basicly the easy way out.
3. Why would delete someone for not watching your movies? This is a threat, so can be reported. I mean not like a BIG report, but more of an annoyed report :/

There are lots of other people who say this. Some of my "friends" who are a lower level than me say it. So I just say to them "Sorry, you don't watch my movies, I won't watch yours. You are only a level ......., so stop acting like a level 18+" Might me harsh, but true. I'm starting to hate people taking the easy way and not really working for it.

Thanx for look at my blog <3

Wednesday 13 June 2012

Level 2

Yay! Liona is now level 2! It took me about 15-20 mins, but now she's level 2!

Tuesday 12 June 2012

2 New Pets

These are my new cute pets! I called the white one Liona because its kinda like a lion, and Louise Buttons because Louise is the middle name of Unknowns, and Buttons because I was think of Buttons today! <3 Them XxX

Sunday 10 June 2012

Explain Gay

I saw this look today saying I thought I was best???
Trust, no one is the best.
Ohh, and I didn't really report that gay boy. I just hate gay's and les's on MSP. When there's a dirty story, you are ALL saying "My 6 year old brother is seeing this!" Would you want a 6 year old going round saying he's gay, he loves boys, and all that?
You should decide when your older, not when your on MSP.
Thank yo.

Saturday 9 June 2012

Unknown FB Convo

This is me and Unknown on fb. I go on fb and MSP, but I think more of my friends are on fb, but I just have so much more fun on MSP!
The parts in red dots is me and the green dots is unknown.
Typicle convo between me and her, and always funny!

Unknown My Friend

I have decided to call her "Unknown". Again, my beautiful friend. We were just video chatting again just now. She's eating pizza, and decided to pose for the camera. You gotta love this girl... AGAIN!

Love Ya unknown.

Funny Dog Pics

Short movies???

I hate these! I mean seriously? You don't think you could just watch the level 22 short moves?

Wishy Gifts

Ok, you might think I'm mean, but I can't be gibing out wishys non stop! Plus this person has just constantly asked for gifts, even said she was in an odoption place. I didn't like this at all, considering I am too with my sisters. (You might think "how does Red diamond Rose have a comp then?") Well, I was sent here about 4 years ago, and we got to take stuff from home, and I already had a laptop.)
So please, don't just ask and ask and ask and expect, k?

Friday 8 June 2012

My Funny Friend!

This is my awsome friend! She is on MSP, but I will not name her. She still looks like a beaut, even with a spoon in her mouth.
And please, no meaness, coz I probs look worse than that all the time!
Love ya <3


Says it all...

Trade! Please!

Please someone trade with me!
I really want to trade all the hair here, the colourful rousers and the shoes for nice stuff.
Thanx XxX

Sleepy Funny Convo!

You've gotta love this girl XD
This was from another convo, and sleepy was having troubles logging in. She finally did though, as you can see, and I think this looks quite funny :D

Another Mean Convo

This is another mean convo... Whenever someone says something like this, I make them worse by challeging them... I know they will NEVER find me. No one will. So, I bet this person is like 6 years old.

My Bracelets

These are my bracelets... they are all black exept the one in the middle, white is blue.
I got the one on  the left on monday at a fair for £2! The one on the right is black with the colourful England flag in sparkles.

Thursday 7 June 2012

WG1 Skin Colour

Ok, should white ghost1 change her skin colour?
She came round mine 2day, and we saw what it would look like:
Ok, she doesn't have enough money for the lips, but would it be worth buying the skin colour?
Her skin was white before... Like the colour white like paper (not racist)
say in comments

England Flag

Go Britain! (And all other countries.)
I might get all the U.S.A stuff too, as that's the country I'm in at school.

Wednesday 6 June 2012


This is writtn by the beautiful MayMcD, or as it says at the bottom, Gina. Please put this on your blog, or anything to make people read it.
Thank you XxX

Level 3

This is vampire - girl 01. She is AWSOME. Please give her autos... As you can see I have given her quite a few! She is almost level 3. HELP please!

Tuesday 5 June 2012

If you Get What I mean

So it turnes out a single lady wants a boy!
I suggested a dog :)
They are quite loving! And want dump you after 5 mins! Well, they might dump ON you if you get what I mean...

Exclusive Items

I think it's strange that you can buy the exclusive clothes items. They are $500 each, but not all of them are VIP! This dress is, but the sparkly cap isn't. And you can change the colour of them!
Weird, but they should keep it like this!


I HATE these...
To stop a fight... you make ANOTHER forum.


I love Angel Wings. I wish there was a set of non-VIP wings... Then my friends white ghost1 could have some... (white ghost1's head is in the corner).

Kylie890 Comment

If you can't see it, it says "Kylie, as manager said, just report it or what ever, don't need to make it public or dramatical."
This is what I posted on Kylie's forum. So, she made about 2 forums about me...
Not dramatical?
And even manager said on a forum "This is just a report, no need for a forum."

Monday 4 June 2012

Queeny XD

Now this is funny!
Happy Jubilee!!!!!!!!


Yes, this is Kylie890. I had a fight with her, and still don't really like her. I just think she's a little... bit like a drama queen; well, I think she's the biggest drama queen in all time with all her caps and shouting.
Kylie, if your reading this...
Kylie890 fan is me XD She (me) hates you too.
So, if you think I'm mean to her... This is why!

Sunday 3 June 2012

Short Movies

No wonder these people are at high levels! They don't deserve it. As you can see Lucky Lily is deleting anyone who doesn't watch her short movies. If you haven't noticed, almost ALL high level movie starts have short movies. I don't make short movies, I wouldn't scoop that low just to be a high level...

Cutest Dog!

This reminds me SO much of my awsome friend sleepy head x


Ok, this reminds me a lot of my friends Nea1234. I know her in real, and I think this looks quite alot like her, if not Nea is even more beautiful. She is goth, and her best friend is sleepy head x who is emo. They are both very awsome, cool, beautful friends of mine.


Ok, so I'm ready for the Jubilee celebrating 60 years of our gracious Queen, but MSP isn't! The competition should be about the Jubilee. I understand it isn't as important to Americans, but we could have competitions for the 4th of July too! I mean, surely we all support the Queen, like we all support the president...