Tuesday 30 October 2012

For Blog Pics

1. Click "prt sc" on the internet when you see something you want on your blog (nothing will happen btw)

2. Open "paint" and click "ctrl" and "v" at the same time on paint. It will come up with what ever was on your screen when you click "prt sc"

3. Crop the bit you want (click crop and drag over the bit you want then click crop again)

4. Save it where you'll remember, BUT save it as a jpeg.

when you save, under where you give it a title, there's another tab ^ Click it and select "jpeg"< you MUST do this.

5. Go to your blog, open "design" then "layout" at the side of your screen.

6. Click "add Gadget" at the side and it will come up with a box.
Click the "add gadget" and it will come up with this:
When you scroll down, you will find one that says "picture":
It might look scary and confusing, but click "browse":
Then find your pick whereever you saved it, and click "save". Also click "save arrangment" in the top right hand corner to make sure its saved.
Then, view your blog and it should be there :)
I might say how to do glitter graphics too, but later, because this took me forever!