Tuesday 31 July 2012

Boys -.-

God I hate these people -.-

So, guess how long I've known this boy? NEVER. Why do people just expect me to go out with him. I know he must be a low level, but what about this:


Monday 30 July 2012

Highscore friends

Well, good morning!

I saw a forum today about someone meeting DiaVanille (I think that's how you spell it :/). I though she met her in real or something. But it turned out just to be in an msp room :D. So, not that big.

I'm friends with DiaVanille, shawre, some other level 18+ people, but its not that big. They never talk to you, just do status updates saying "Watch 450-460 sm for 1 wishy gift". But I suppose they are good for movies.

Here's my friends:

Sunday 29 July 2012

I Found This Funny :D

I know Ihaven't been posting much, but not that much has been going on :/

Recently I have been getting into roleplays, but mystical ones with vampires and angels (I'm an angel- just!) with my friend sleepy head x (ultimate vampire-emo)

But I did find something funny today...:

I got bored, then realised his name :) Ohh and if you are wondering, the convo we had a week ago, I said "Sorry I can't" because he asked for a gift :/ Sorry, you don't just ask for gifts.

And I also can't believe...

778 loves on my room! Can we get 780? Or even 800!

Monday 23 July 2012

Artbook Summer Flowers

I made a new artbook today :)

But I suggest if your broad band is low, what till it gets faster, or my work might slow done your laptop/computer LOADS. It took me ages, so please love and comment :)
I think its good ish :/ lol

Friday 20 July 2012


Ok, MSP needs to sort out the warnings they give out.
I made an artbook with just my pets and stuff, and it came up with this when I saved it:

What if I got logged out for 3 days?
Its just getting stupid now -.-

Tuesday 17 July 2012

Sleepy head x READ THIS!

Ok, for starters, for some reason my full stop button isn't working :/

Ohh and Sleepy, you know today about lawers, well... (< I copy and pasted those)

I have found your new lawer:

He's got a suitcase and everything!

Monday 16 July 2012

Level 10

Finaly! After weeks and weeks!

Disco, on the 16/07/2012, around 16:29 pm (English time) he turned level 10!!!

I was just really bored untill I clicked this ^^^


Sunday 15 July 2012

Ishacool Aged 23?

Again, this is about towel123. I don't know why, but to me he acts like an 8 year old.

So yesterday I asked how old he was, and he said and age which was a bit too old for MSP's 8-12 year old estimate. So said, MSP is meant for ages quite a bit younger, but then he said...

But I heard Ishacool was 23 years old!

As you can see, I explained it to him ^ Click to enlarge.

I thought people older than us were supposed to be smarter -.-

Please love my artbook "END ILY" & "Ugly Person" Not for credit, but so more and more people can see it ;) thanx

Friday 13 July 2012

For A Wishy I will go out with you

You wouldn't believe what I've seen!
Towel123 said he will go out with you if you give him a wishy! Then he thinks its ok, because he will give you an auto back :/

Click to enlarge                                          ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

I said to go out with someone you have to love each other! He said "Yeh I know" ?????

What is up with bf's/ gf's?


I swear we've basicly had this competition 5 times already -.-
And I odn't think the clothes are that good either :/ I think MSP should make more non-VIP cheaper clothes, like a top thats $350 and just not sparkly with a bit a pattern.

Logged out

Hey, white ghost1 here!

I love this "GIRL" top. Coz, I am a girl XD And here's my dog. He's a fail snail, total derped :/ Still funny though :D I love him really <3

I here loads of people are being logged out! I haven't been yet, but I'm a bit worried :/ Hopefully its just a glitch, not a hack.

I know its not anonymous, I just wonder...

Wednesday 11 July 2012

A Message

This is my artbook. I want as many loves at possible so everyone can see the message.
Ohh and the stars were just the word "Kill" (in a jokey way) and "id!ot", so not like swear words or anything. Please love, please comment, please understand the message.

Christina Perry

Any Christina Perry fans?

How about this:
I don't have enough money, but you might!

The dress is from a look I made of Ishacool and I bought it then changed the colours. The rest of the things you can get in the shop.

Hair- Tri-Colour Summer- $400 (VIP)
Dress- Rainbow Glitter- $500 (VIP)
Shoes- Vamp Slayer- $350

So all together it is... $1250! But you will have to be a VIP to get the whole look :(

I hope you liked it!

Monday 9 July 2012

Who doesn't like Kisses?

MSP has taken away some of the stuff from the shops, as there are so many clothes. But now you can't buy them from looks!
I was trying to buy a hair from a look I made AGES ago, but its wouldn't let me!

                                                      ^^^ Proof

And there is one like it, exept its VIP, and I wanted to get it for my non-VIP friend.

Something else on MSP, now you can't say alot of words. But I know some of the words mean two things, so some are rude.

But is "xxx" rude? I don't really think it is. Its kisses! Who doesn't like kisses?

Sunday 8 July 2012


So, people are wanting gifts. Not from me, but from others. And people are saying "I haven't had a gift since May!" Well, I have my friends who give me gifts, but only close friends who I know from real. So for people who say there last gift was from May...
My last gift was on March the 31st, and even that was just because I watched some short movies. I also hate when people say "If you disturb me, you get deleted" Why can't they just not talk? They disturb my all the time with pointless updates!

Saturday 7 July 2012

Wow... Fat Competition...

So, the new competition is "BBQ Party Competition" but it seems to be more about fatty junk food. So what is MSP trying to do? Eat burgars, hot dog and coke? Nice -.- I wouldn't say the clothes were that nice either.
I'm lucky that I've got all the america stuff before hand, because at school we've been divided into different countries for the Olympics. (The country I'm in is U.S.A) And if we get enough merits from being good, then get a medal everytime we get 5 merits, our countries points gets higher and higher. The 3 countries with the highest points gets to come in wearing our country colours, so if we win I could really do with the shoes!
(Sorry if blurry)

I wonder why the MSP clothes seem to have the american flag on though... Kinda mean on the Americans if you think about it... I wish they had the USA flag though rather than burgers and coke bottles.

On a better note, yesterday, my dog Disco turned level 8 just before the school disco at around 7:05 PM (I had a great time at the disco if any of you are wondering.)

Well, I can now say at 4:17 PM (English time) my dog is now level 9!

Yay! My aim is level 10. I remember when Disco was level 2... I decided to try and make him level up because I seemed to not be leveling up my self :D

Maybe if you give me autos or watch my movies I will x? lol Don't worry 'bout it.
Thanx for readin'!