Friday 25 May 2012

MSP need to change this!

MSP needs to change this! I was on MSP youtube, and this came up???!!! What if a 7 year old saw this?

Wednesday 23 May 2012

Peanut 3rd Stage

My pet Peanut at its 3rd Stage. I think it would be cuter without the beads, but I still think she's cute :)

Monday 21 May 2012

C'mon MSP Think!

I can't believe MSP is letting people under 9 years old wear stuff like this...
I think there should be 2 MSP's
Under 10s
and over 10s.

Spend Less

This is to prove you don't need to spend alot on competitions. I had bought all this stuff before, so my total cost for my movie was $450 I think, just for the background :D

Sunday 20 May 2012

Deleting non-VIPs

So, have you seen my forum? I've got loads of friends... too many! SO I'm deleting non-VIP who don't get competition stuff, who are aren't a high level and if I dn't know in real. I keep VIPs coz I can get celeb, get 25 per cent more fame, and I keep boys coz I don't have alot of boy-friends.

Saturday 19 May 2012

School Clothes

My cute pet and me wearing school clothes. It might not look good on me, but I wish our school have a proper school uniform. We have one, but its just black trousers, skirts, school shoes and white polo shirt. I think it would be cool if we had a skirt like this :) But it would have to be cheaper than the prices we have at school (a jumper with our logo is £10 each!)

Friday 18 May 2012


White ghost1 a.k.a Miss AWSOME is with a cute bunny and dog XxX
Ohh, and I got a message saying I said "OMG Modorator is black!" or something (I made a forum saying abot how its not true too)
1st: I am NOT that kinda person. Even if I really hated you, I wouldn't be that harsh or stupid to say something like that.
2nd: Can you find where I said it? (To delete it)
Thanx if you help
I am kind
and normal
most of the time
Red diamond Rose

Thursday 17 May 2012

Wicth's Dress

I haven't bought this, but do you think it looks nice? Its the witch's dress (VIP), but its (I think) £500. Its either that or $600, which is quite alot!

Bigger Pet

My cute bigger pet! I made an art book about her! Well, about 2-3 sentences XD Please look&love! ;)


Ok, so this dog is almost mega cute. But I don't think the other items are worth it. For non-VIPs its £50, whereas for VIPs its £30. But today, for me, (a VIP) it said it was £33???

Wednesday 16 May 2012

My MSP name

Glitter GraphicsGlitter GraphicsGlitter Graphics

Glitter GraphicsGlitter GraphicsGlitter GraphicsGlitter GraphicsGlitter GraphicsGlitter GraphicsGlitter Graphics

Glitter GraphicsGlitter GraphicsGlitter GraphicsGlitter Graphics

My MSP name

Poison Apple

I know this pick is a bit bad, but its the last part of the "Poison Apple" animation. I'm going to sleep... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. My pet is sooo cute and big!


I kinda like this new competition, I just HATE the prices. The cheapest dress that's new is $500 sc. I think that's unfair. And the non-VIP dress is $500 too! I quite like the dresses though, but I CAN'T afford them. So I'm just gonna where this, which I bought a while ago. I got the "Poison Apple" animation, which I quite like, but I don't like fruit >.<   If you are my friend, please put me in your movies! (Plus thanx SO much for looking at my blog ;)  )

Monday 14 May 2012

Little Girl

Like my little girl look? I have this dress in white and white lace tights. It looks a TINY but like I'm going to a funeral...


My cute little Pets! (Milky, Peanut and Turqoise)
I love pets, so... hate me if I like pets! I am scared of dogs and cats and everything though... Even though I want a pet dog. Or hamster. Or fish! They don't bit... do they?

King Pet

Look at the King! I love his necky thing and hearts on the legs <3 Its so cute!

Sunday 13 May 2012

Football :O  >.<

New Hair and Cheap outfit

Hey, I haven't posted in a while. That's coz I couldn't get some stuff working. Anyway, like my new hair? $350 non-vip. Good deal I would say! And I know a top and a dress that $200 (both non-vip). I know a whole outfit worth only $650! (Shoes $250, hair $200 and dress $200; all non-vip!)
Message me if you want to know ;)

Monday 7 May 2012


Do you like my new England look??? Go England!!! (And any other country!!!!)


This is my cute (but fuzzy) friend sleepy head x with her cute dog... which I can't remember his name! Please watch her movies and give her autos!

Saturday 5 May 2012


As you can see, there is 1 non-VIP girl and boy. All my friends that are girls, non-vip and don't get compitition clothes will be deleted.
In other words, if you are a boy, are VIP and get compitition clothes, you are safe.
This is because I have a lot of friends, and I have too many.
But I will be keeping the friends I know in real (MayMcD, sleepy head x and white ghost1 ands others.)
This is so everyone knows whats going on. It might be un fair to non-VIPs, but you won't even know I'm gone.


This is the coolest look ever in my mind. Everything a part from the head band is VIP. The shorts are $350, the shoes $200. I know quite a lot of non-VIP things that are $350. I know a short cut hair thats $200! (Its on looks by me on the 11th-ish page, called "pretty" if rockchick132.

Teddy Boots

I was a total fail snail, but now I know how to upload pics. So here is me with my cool new Teddy Boots. Enjoy my beauty.


This is a fuzzy picture of white ghost1's cute Dog Spotty. Go to white ghost1's room and see her movies! They are really good! So are MayMcD and Sleepy head x's! (and mine).