Monday 30 April 2012

Picture of me with pet                                  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Rain Dance

So... I still can't get pictures up, sadley.
Hopefully soon I will though.... so... yeh...
Anyway, I was wondering how many detentions, yellow cards or red cards you have!
I have none btw XD So I'm ok.
Although the food tech teacher did say to me today I was a numpty in her kitchen :/
Oh well, it's better than 1500 meters we have to do on thursday!
So if you could, do a special rain dance for me!

Sunday 29 April 2012


I can't seem to post any more pictures :(
Nevermind, hopefuly it will work tomorrow.
I have to do my art hoemwork anyway, so it's not like I have nothing to do.

Super Hero

My friend said to me why I was wearing gothic crying eyes, as I look nothing like that (which is true).
But then again, I'm not exactly a super hero am I?
Or am I?...


This is another one of my great friends white ghost1 with her cute pet Spots. Please friend her!

Money Money Money

Me and my cute cute pet! I have more pets, but I can't feed them all :( So I might not be buying compitition stuff anymore.


I have just been to glass wells, and on my car window there were 8 tiny baby spiders!!!!
They are soooo cute, like my friends on MSP.

Sleepy head x and MayMcD
(I know them in real, so I'm not lying)

Saturday 28 April 2012